hostile copypaste


My dad is of the opinion that the Bible is very clear about homosexuality: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination”.

Abomination. That’s a word you don’t hear very often. It has an impact.

“Something regarded with disgust or loathing; extreme disgust or hatred.”1 I had to look this up — as with many words I know and use, I understand them colloquially, without having seen the definition itself. And what a definition this is. “Something regarded.” Not an immutable thing, not something which categorically always is. “Something regarded.”

At its core, though its part of speech is a noun, abomination is a descriptor. It is a statement of opinion.

  1. Merriam-Webster. (Accessed 6 Aug 2024). Abomination. Retrieved from